Continuing Education Library

For those who want 1.0 contact hours for this activity, watch the video to the end where there are instructions.
Please keep track of the total amount of time you spend completing this activity (including the test and evaluation).

Click the start arrow to watch the video.

  1. Describe the variations in hospital revenue.
  2. Compare the calculated procedural expense to actual revenue.
  3. Monetize quality improvement project outcomes.


Elena L. Nelson-Barber

Elena Nelson Barber has almost 33 years in the vascular access specialty. She is certified in both Oncology and Vascular Access. Elena places a wide variety of vascular access devices for three northern Colorado Banner healthcare facilities. She oversees vascular access guidelines, quality improvement practices, and research projects for Banner Health as well. Elena has written and mentored content writers for the national vascular access certification exam. Elena speaks at local and national conferences on vascular access topics, issues, and evidence. Elena is a 2017 regional Colorado Nightingale Luminary for leadership and a 2020 Luminary for innovation, the latter related to efforts reducing CLABSI. Her definition of a successful career includes measurable improvements in patient outcomes and the sharing of those lessons and experiences.

Webinar originally recorded: April 5, 2023

Terri Goodman and Associates, an approved provider of continuing nursing education contact hours
by the California Board of Registered Nursing, CEP 16650, awards 1.0 contact hours for this activity.