CE Webinar

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About your presenter

Martie Moore, DHL, MAOM, RN, CPHQ is a nurse executive with more than 35 years of experience in healthcare quality, patient safety, and advancing excellence in health care. Prior to becoming an executive clinical consultant, she was the Chief Nursing Officer for Medline Industries, Inc. Martie currently serves as Chair of the clinical Advisory Board of ContinuumXR and also sits on the board of the Patient Safety Movement Foundation (PSMF) and the Dean’s Advisory Board for the University of Central Florida College of Nursing. She co-chairs the Patient Safety Movement’s Falls and Fall Prevention. Martie own several patents and trademarks for healthcare innovations and leadership models.

Previously, as the Chief Nursing Officer at a large medical facility, Martie focused on advancing effective leadership, cultural transformation, patient safety, and elevating organizational performance through quality, system thinking and putting knowledge into action. She has served as adjunct faculty at several universities, most recently at George Fox University in the Healthcare Administration Program. She publishes and presents nationally and internationally on transforming health care for the needs of the future. Most recently she contributed content for The Rebel Nurses Handbook and Highway to Heart, Humor, and Honesty in Healthcare.